a blog about nearly everything in my life

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The long night of books

My bookstore invited me to a special event with readings and cocktails. An English language center read from Jane Austen’s “sense and sensibility” but since they didn’t use any microphone and the reader itself hasn’t had a loud voice it was a little bit hard to hear something. I went to the reading of a young hannoveranian author who presented her new novel. There were many readings within the whole bookstore. It was the first time that I got invited to the long night of books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if its called hannoveranian the horses are called hanoverian maybe you should say an author from hanover :-)

5/11/06 17:04

Blogger Sarah said...

yes, i already looked it up. Thanks! I was just too lazy to change it :-)

I write hannover with double "n"! We don't write your cities wrong either! Like Nujork or Wänkuwer :-)

5/11/06 18:12


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