a blog about nearly everything in my life

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ohio State U merchandise

I was downtown looking for a new sweater. In one of the shops they sold besides normal t-shirts also t-shirts from Ohio State U designed by mexx. Why would I by a t-shirt from Ohio State U in Germany?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t understand why people buy t-shirts from colleges they never went to anyway. No matter if it’s at the university itself (university sightseeing is another funny thing) or somewhere else.

23/1/07 22:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s like buying those faked designer clothes in one of those all brands designer outlet stores so everyone can see that you are wearing a label.

25/1/07 15:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

those clothes aren't faked, are they?

28/1/07 11:15

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of cause they are faked, everybody knows that and most time you can tell from the way they look. There are small differences between the brand logos of the real and faked ones. I can’t believe you didn’t know that!

28/1/07 15:06

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when you plan to go to a specific college in future, it’s okay to wear a t-shirt of that college. It would look silly when you collect the merchandise of more than one college though. Except your children would attend different colleges it sure would be okay to wear t-shirt of all of the colleges they are attending.

28/1/07 16:32

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought those people who buy the faked designer clothes know actually that they are faked but think that nobody will notice.

28/1/07 16:36

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.

10/11/08 21:44


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